Galileo would next image Jupiter during the SL9 imacts, a year and a half before arrival. It used a technique known as an "on chip mosaic," taking multiple images on the same frame so it could be returned as one picture. There were several techniques used that involved smearing the image to look for flareups from the impact. For the last impact, Galileo took multiple unsmeared images, providing a neat perspective, as its images are the only ones to see the impacts directly, and not coming over the limb. Perhaps another entry will be dedicated to these images. But here is one showing the impact and Jupiter, produced from several images on the on-chip mosaic.

The tape recorder problem caused the end of imaging until the G1 orbit in the summer of 1996. However, as Galileo approached in 1995, it took optical navigation frames showing Ganymede slowly looming larger to help plan for the G1 orbit. It is a little taste of the sights Galileo saw that fall but could not show us.

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